About Us
Removing the passport stress.
We simplify British passport applications with comprehensive checks, phone/email assistance, and a full refund guarantee. We handle Fast Track and Premium services, including appointments and courier delivery. Located near Newport's Passport office, trust The Passport Expert for a hassle-free, eco-friendly experience.

The Problem:
We noticed the basic needs of British citizens were not being adequately met by the passport office on two levels.
The first problem was how complicated and confusing the entire process can be, especially when documentation is involved. One mistake on your application or a missed call from the passport office can potentially delay an application by weeks leading to confusing email communication.
The second and most frustrating is the FAST TRACK and PREMIUM services, and how difficult this process can be. Having to attend an interview at one of the few offices in the UK on a weekday, going through airport level security and having an ‘interview’ with a passport officer.

What We Do
Simplify The Process.
We will check an entire application. That means the application itself, the documentation necessary, the photograph and even offer phone call/email assistance as courtesy if any additional help is needed.
We are so confident in this service we will offer a full money back guarantee if we miss any errors, even as a small as a new photo being needed.